A 100% money-back guarantee is offered for 60 full days after the original purchase date on this product. Within the first sixty days of your purchase, if for any reason you're not entirely delighted with this product, the results, or the experience, just contact us via email or our toll-free number, and we'll provide a full refund within 48 hours of the product being returned. Yes, you can return the product at any time within 60 days of purchase—even empty pouches—and receive a complete refund, no questions asked (excluding shipping and handling).

January 2024 - New Scientific Discovery Scientists Discover Simple ‘Coffee Hack’ To Help Boost Metabolism And Release Belly Fat...

Are you struggling to lose weight no matter how much you diet or exercise? Turns out, it's not your fault. In 2023, after studying over 170 years of scientific data, a team of scientific researchers discovered that up to 80% of Americans may have simply inherited a slow and inefficient metabolism to some degree.

Many of us have a morning ritual that naturally primes our metabolism to burn fat throughout the day. And coffee is that one item! Yes, it appears that coffee helps boost our metabolism in addition to helping us wake up. Coffee has approximately 1000 bioactive chemicals that have enigmatic effects on the body, including metabolism, which have captivated scientists for decades. And while the majority of us can identify with the daily natural surge in energy, concentration, alertness, and mental clarity that our morning coffee provides... According to recent study, coffee may be the "Perfect Primer" for burning fat since it naturally creates a window of opportunity that increases metabolism's speed and efficiency.

Inside every packet of Java Burn you'll find: Our proprietary formula of super-nutrients that work with coffee to boost metabolism and support your overall health, energy and well-being.

JavaBurn Coffee